Ok I don't even know the last time I updated this blog so here is just some random ramblings......
In February I quit my job to go back to school full time for Special Education. In March I hosted my first annual Spring For A Cure for Children's Tumor Foundation and we raised a little over $1500 for research for Neurofibromatosis. In May we hit 1 year post chemo and since all MRI's had been stable we moved to MRI's every 4 months!!! In July we took Kyle to his first NF summer camp in Prescott, AZ. It was so much fun and we made so many new friends. We have enjoyed going to the ASU football games again this season.
Kyle started Pre-kindergarten and loves it. He is growing up so fast!!! He was also selected to model halloween costumes for Phoenix Children's Hospital and will be on Fox 10 Morning Show On October 10th!!
I have also started up couponing and started a frugal living blog www.mycheapandcheerfullife.blogspot.com and I started up my medical blog again www.luvmyNFboys.blogspot.com so it keeps me busy.
Bennett was called to teach Elder's Quorum and I was recently called to Primary for sharing time.
So that is some of the crazy things that have been going on around here....
10 years ago
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